
Openoffice pdf support
Openoffice pdf support

One of the most important advantages of PDF files is their uniform readability on any device and operating system. pdf and share files with other users only after this conversion

openoffice pdf support

To avoid issues of other users creating different versions of files or making unauthorized changes to a document, you should convert. Please refer to these instructions in our Knowledge Center.In a professional environment in particular, unauthorized or accidental editing of files by other users is undesirable. This update process is relatively straightforward and should just take a few minutes per template. However, should you have support requests related to the legacy PDF service, the support staff will direct you to update your templates to use the new PDF service. During this time, we will continue to operate the service. You will have three months until June 30, 2017 to update your templates, and thereby switch to the new service, before the legacy PDF generation service is permanently deprecated and taken offline. Expanded selection of merge fields makes more relevant information about your customers and subscriptions available for use during billing.Sophisticated invoice presentment using nested tables for usage charges and invoice items.Supports conditional logic in your templates for greater presentment flexibility.The new PDF service provides the following benefits: The OpenOffice technology, on which this legacy service is based, is no longer supported, as it does not allow you to use the latest features of Zuora invoice presentment.

openoffice pdf support openoffice pdf support openoffice pdf support

Please check to see if you have taken the required step to switch your tenant to use our new PDF generation service by updating your invoice PDF templates. We are announcing the immediate end of support of our legacy PDF generation service.

Openoffice pdf support